Jumbo Custard Apple (Cherimoya) - 1 Piece


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Custard apples, also known as cherimoya or chirimoya, is a species of edible fruit from the genus Annona native to Central America. They are closely related to other popular tropical fruits such as sweetsop and soursop. Custard apples are named for their flavor: they are sweet and fragrant with dense, creamy, custard-like flesh. They have a flavor that is reminiscent of lychee, pineapple, and mango with prominent notes of other tropical fruits. Custard apples can be astringent if eaten too early so make sure that the fruit is fully ripe before eating.


Uses: Cut cherimoya in half or into quarters before eating with a spoon. The flesh separates easily from the skin and seeds. This fruit is best enjoyed raw as-is or made into smoothies.


Leave cherimoya at room temperature to ripen until uniformly soft to the touch. Blackened spots and lines along the skin/scales are normal and expected during the ripening process.