Emerald Green Passion Fruit - 8 oz (2-4 Pieces)


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Passion fruit, also known as maracuya, are harvested from the passion flower vine native to South America. It is commonly cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates for its incredibly flavorful and intensely aromatic fruit. Passion fruit has an edible seedy interior with fragrant pulp that is citrusy, floral, and sweet-tart in taste. Passion fruit will have a smooth exterior when first picked that will wrinkle as it ripens. A fully ripe passion fruit should be uniformly wrinkled on the surface.


Uses: Cut passion fruit in half and scoop out the seeds for use in drinks, desserts, and recipes. Passion fruit seeds can be macerated with sugar to make a delicious syrup.


Green passion fruits are more fragrant and sweeter than their red counterparts.