Improvements Are Coming To Asian Veggies!
Hey There - Thanks again for coming to our site to browse around. This is our 9th week of being open and wow has time flown.
After seeing the consistent trend in orders, Asian Veggies is here to stay. We are actively searching for a warehouse to call our home! Bear with us as we try to seamlessly transition our inventory over to the new warehouse.
As we look to expand, here are some changes we're looking to make:
Lowering Delivery Fees - Starting this Saturday 6/20, we are lowering our delivery fee to $4 and raising our order minimums to $50. At first a $8 fee seemed like the right price point as it would take us on average 20-30 mins to get to each customer. With the business grown to how it is, we have hit economies of scale. In some neighborhoods, we'll have 4-6 deliveries within a 3 block radius. This now means within the same time frame it took us to reach our first few customers, we are now covering more customers. I hope we get to a point where we can compete with the big behemoth delivery companies where we can waive our delivery fees regardless of cart size. I can say with certainty that majority of customers will not have issues with the new order minimum as our average cart size has been trending ~$75.
Lowering Quantities - This is a priority and the first thing we figure out once we move to the new warehouse. I think all consumers would prefer to have a variety of veggies for the week instead of having to eat Bok Choy 3 days in a row for breakfast, lunch, and dinner or keep you consistently coming back. By doing this, it'll encourage customers to experiment with Asian Veggies they haven't tried before
Adding More Products - I've kept a list of all the snacks, frozen goods, sauces, drinks, etc you guys have asked for (even by brand) and will be sourcing those as soon as I can. The list is enough to get our next 50 products up and running. Our value proposition is being able to provide you with Asian specialty products that you can't be sourced in a convenient manner. Eventually we're going to expand and be the place where you source other ethnic specialty goods from us. I want to consult with chefs to learn more about what types of specialty goods are trending
New UX/Photos - All the photos you've seen on Asian Veggies were taken in portrait mode on my iPhone. By investing in this vertical, this will take our website from a bootstrapped business born out of the pandemic to a fully fledged DTC Asian specialty goods website
- Substitutions - This will be one of the harder verticals to figure out, but all of the bigger players in the space do this today. If we cannot source you a specific veggie, we want to be able to substitute it something that is comparable. Even if it's at a loss to us, I want to make sure we're able to provide the best customer experience for you
Thank You