DMD Bridge Dried Lily Flower - 4 oz


Dried lily flowers, also known as tiger lilies or golden needle vegetable (gum jum choi), are the edible flower buds of the daylily plant. These young buds are commonly used as a vegetable or medicinal supplement and are particularly prominent during Lunar New Year as a symbol of wealth. Daylily buds are used for their woody flavor that is sweet, earthy, and complex with a distinctive tender-crisp texture that is somewhat similar to young bamboo. These vegetables are an excellent addition to stir-fry dishes, soups, and dumplings.


Uses: Soak lily flowers in water for about an hour or until softened. Trim the hard stems about 1/5th of an inch from the bottom of the buds and add the reconstituted flowers to your favorite preparations such as stir-fry dishes.